Immediate Actions to Take When Your Phone Gets Wet

What to Do When Your Phone Gets Wet

If your phone takes a dip in water, time is of the essence to improve your chances of rescuing it. The good news is, you can often save a water-damaged phone with the right techniques.

Instant Damage Control

The most important thing is to fish your device out of the water ASAP. Water will continue to enter and cause damage the longer your phone stays submerged.

Immediately power down your phone as soon as it’s out of the water. Powering off protects your device’s delicate electronics from short circuiting because of wetness.

If possible, take out the protective cover, battery, and SIM card. This lets everything to dry out individually.

Gently shake the phone to dislodge excess water. Concentrate on the ports, slots, and creases where water tends to pool.

De-moisturizing Techniques

Once the standing water is shaken out, carefully wipe down your device with a clean paper towel.

To draw out water from tight spots, employ a compressed air duster. But don’t use hair dryers or heat, which can make matters worse by driving moisture deeper into the device or overheating the components.

For the following phase of dehumidifying, position your device in front of a gentle fan for steady airflow.

Moisture-absorbing materials such as silica gel packets are very effective moisture absorbers. Put your device in a sealed bag or container with the desiccant for a day or two.

Contrary to popular belief, using rice is not an effective method for rescuing a wet phone. Rice isn’t especially absorbent, and the small grains can get lodged in your device’s openings and jacks, leading to further issues down the road.

Removing Water from Speakers

Water-damaged speakers are a common problem following a phone’s aquatic adventure, but fortunately you can find tools to fix the problem. Unique speaker cleaning tools and programs play targeted tones and frequencies to vibrate the speakers, literally expelling stuck moisture.

Some popular options include:

To use these apps for best results, be sure to disconnect any wireless peripherals. Next, set your phone’s volume to maximum. Play the drying frequencies several times for optimal water removal.

When to Get Expert Help

Despite your best efforts, sometimes DIY drying techniques aren’t enough to revive a water-damaged phone. If your phone fails to turn on after an extended drying period, you should call in expert help.

The same goes for speakers that remain muffled or buttons that are not responding properly despite repeated moisture removal efforts. Here are some extra tips Water Ejection Sound That Works

In these cases, deliver your device to a certified technician for professional assessment and appropriate servicing.

Avoiding Potential Water Incidents

While it’s great to know the steps for rescuing a wet device, steering clear of water exposure altogether is the ultimate solution. Consider these preventative measures:

  • Invest in a phone with designed for water exposure
  • Store your phone separated from water when possible
  • Employ a waterproof pouch for outdoor situations
  • Research phone insurance that include water damage

In closing, when your device takes an unexpected dip, a speedy reaction and proper drying procedures provide the best chance of rescue.To recap, acting fast and employing proven drying strategies will maximize your success of reviving a wet device.

Targeted apps and websites for expelling water from speakers make a lifesaver. And in the end, prevention is key.Keep in mind, the most foolproof safeguard is to avoid water incidents in the first place.

So shield your valuable phone, and let your phone survive to enjoy many more adventures!